You Design, We Manufacture: Introducing MyKyrya, our 3D bathroom design web program*

After a long period of intense work, we are very pleased to announce that MyKyrya, the definitive tool for Kyrya 3D bathroom design, is now available.

*Only for Kyrya professional clients

MyKyrya is a 3D web program that includes a large number of functionalities that will make your work more agile and simple on a daily basis, and will allow you to present a project for the chosen bathroom with images, along with its quotation.

Furthermore, as it works directly in the web browser, it is not necessary to install or configure anything, we just need to have a computer capable of moving the 3D scene and an internet connection. From here, just enter the program and start defining your project.

Thanks to its intuitive and simple interface , with MyKyrya you can easily design the Kyrya bathroom you want by choosing each of its components: furniture , finishes , opening systems , mirrors , Durian equipment , accessories and much more, through a powerful configurator. great realism.

In addition, you will be able to see the opening of drawers and doors in motion with a single click, incorporate elements such as windows, toilets, the finish of walls and floors, and even the floor plan of the room into the scene, to obtain a perfectly faithful reflection of your project, which you can modify as many times as you want.

But MyKyrya still offers much more.

When you have finished your design, you can automatically generate a PDF with the project plans, the quotation with all the chosen elements, and a 3D image of the design made. Once presented and confirmed by the client, you can send it to us to manufacture it.

Thanks to the power and versatility of MyKyrya, “You design, we manufacture”. It has never been so easy!

If you are a professional and are already a Kyrya client , contact us for more information:

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    Información básica

    • Responsable: Bujiol S.L.
    • Finalidades: atención de información y gestión de solicitudes online. Recogida de currículum a través de la plataforma “Trabaja con nosotros”.
    • Legitimación: Interés legítimo. Consentimiento del usuario.
    • Destinatarios: No se cederán datos a terceros.
    • Almacenamiento de datos: base de datos y servidor de correo alojados en Arsys
    • Conservación: Sus datos se conservarán los plazos legales previstos o hasta que se solicite su supresión
    • Derechos: Podrá acceder, rectificar, suprimir u oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos, entre otros, mediante el procedimiento previsto en la Política de Privacidad.
    • Información legal: Para más información sobre el tratamiento de sus datos pinche en Política de Privacidad.

    Basic information

    • Responsible: Bujiol S.L.
    • Target: attention to information and management of online requests. Resume collection through the “Work with us” platform.
    • Legitimation: Legitimate interest. User consent.
    • Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties.
    • Data Storage: data base and mail server located in Arsys
    • Conservation: Your data will be kept for the established legal periods or until its deletion is requested
    • Rights: You may access, rectify, delete or oppose the processing of your data, among others, through the procedure provided for in the Privacy Policy.
    • Legal information: For more information about the processing of your data, click on Privacy Policy.

    Informations de base

    • Responsable: Bujiol S.L.
    • Finalités: souci d'information et gestion des demandes en ligne. Reprendre la collecte via la plateforme «Travaillez avec nous».
    • Légitimation: Intérêt légitime. Consentement de l'utilisateur.
    • Destinataires: Aucune donnée ne sera cédée à des tiers.
    • Stockage de données: Base de données et serveur de messagerie hébergés sur Arsys
    • Conservation: Vos données seront conservées pendant les durées légales établies ou jusqu'à ce que leur suppression soit demandée
    • Droits: Vous pouvez accéder, rectifier, supprimer ou vous opposer au traitement de vos données, entre autres, via la procédure prévue dans la Politique de Confidentialité.
    • Informations légales: Pour plus d'informations sur le traitement de vos données, cliquez sur Politique de confidentialité.

    Informazioni basiche

    • Responsabile: Bujiol S.L.
    • Finalità: Attenzione alle informazioni e gestione delle richieste online. Raccolta di curricula attraverso la piattaforma “Lavora con noi“.
    • Interesse legittimo: Interesse legittimo. Consenso dell’utente.
    • Destinatari: Nessun dato verrà trasferito a terzi.
    • Archiviazione dei dati:: Database e mail server ospitati in Arsys
    • Conservazione: I tuoi dati saranno conservati entro i termini legali stabiliti dalla legge o fino a quando non ne sarà richiesta la cancellazione
    • Diritti: E’ possibile accedere, rettificare, eliminare ed opporsi al trattamento dei dati, tra gli altri, attraverso la procedura prevista nell’informativa sulla privacy.
    • Informazioni legali: Per ulteriore informazioni sul trattamento dei dati fare click su “Informativa della privacy“.

    Informação básica

    • Responsável: Bujiol S.L.
    • Objetivos: Informação e gestão de pedidos online. Recolha de currículum através da plataforma “Trabalhe conosco”.
    • Legitimação: Interesse legítimo. Consentimento do usuário.
    • Destinatários: Não se cederão dados a terceiros.
    • Armazenamento de dados: base de dados e servidor de correio alojados em Arsys.
    • Conservação: Os seus dados serão mantidos dentro dos prazos legais estabelecidos ou até que nos seja solicitado.
    • Direitos: Poderá aceder, rectificar, eliminar ou opor-se ao tratamento dos seus dados, entre outros, mediante o procedimento previsto na Política de Privacidade
    • Informação legal: Para mais informação sobre o tratamento dos seus dados clique em Política de Privacidade.


    KYRYA allows you to choose, facilitating custom manufacturing, to create exclusive furniture. In this way, we can offer you countless possibilities combining its range of structures, handleless/handles, furniture designs and its wide variety of finishes.

    Kyrya Group ®