At Kyrya Group we have a great team, made up of women and men of very varied ages, from 25 to 63 years old.
Taking advantage of Women’s Day, we want to extol the great female talent that the organization has. We are lucky to live in our day-to-day life with strong women with great capacity for work and of whom we are tremendously proud and we also enjoy the life experience of mixing several generations, which is very enriching for everyone.
Claudia, Diana and Cristina: an example of professional women and fighters
Among all the women who are part of Kyrya Group, we wanted to highlight three very important people. Claudia Boboc, Diana del Castillo and Cristina Catalá.
Claudia and Diana are the youngest women in our organization. Claudia works in production and faces her day-to-day life in a department that is very masculinized, but she is integrated with her colleagues. In addition, she has begun to prepare to be a programmer, an effort that we hope to see fully rewarded among our ranks, in a few years.

Diana del Castillo is our youngest Junior programmer, she has recently arrived on our team but we are already proud of the value contribution she has brought us. As we all know, nowadays digitalization is an important part in all sectors and having a programmer who is also interested in the industry is an added value. For this reason, we are committed to their incorporation, training and growth together with us.
Finally, our most senior woman is Cristina Catalá, head of purchasing. She has more than 40 years of experience, her references are tenacity and a job well done, and it is fortunate to have people like her in our organization.
We wanted to carry out a short interview in which we can appreciate the different experiences marked by the experience and professional experiences that the three have had, marked by the important changes that women have faced and, above all, by the generational changes that affect both sexes equally.
Cristina Catalá

Being older is not a problem for me, on the contrary, knowing that I can learn just like a younger person motivates me.
I have never lacked work, I started my professional career when I was 14 years old, I cannot conceive of being unemployed and therefore I have never done it.
I have worked in accounting, logistics, as a management secretary, in orders and now in purchasing, I have never been treated differently because I am a woman.
I understand that I have been lucky, because it has not always been easy for everyone, although it is true that years ago I suffered sexual harassment at work. At that time I was not as persecuted as I am now, we did not have as much information and, therefore, I chose to say goodbye.
Today I am sure that I could have reported it. Kyrya also has different ways to do this, where we can feel comfortable to transfer any situation that makes us feel bad.
I have never had problems reconciling my personal and family life, but I am aware that it has not always been like this for all women. In my case it has been lucky, because now, it is much easier than years ago. And, here, we have many facilities for conciliation.
In 5 years I see myself as I am now, but visualizing my retirement closer and in 10 years I hope to be retired enjoying my beach house at home. I think that after more than 50 years of contributions I will have earned it, I’m sure I’ll miss my teammates, because I have a team here that is almost family and I hope they continue to count on me for a beer.
Diana del Castillo
I’ve been working at Kyrya for 9 months and I’m 25 years old.
I’m used to working surrounded by men. My first work experience was at C.A.F. and, in my department, they were all men, then I was at Pikolin and there I did have a female colleague.
I am lucky enough to be able to say that in all the companies I have worked for I have felt comfortable as a woman and as a professional, so I cannot assess if this is changing, I have always felt like one more.
Currently in Kyrya I am once again the youngest and the only woman in my department.

We are few but we are growing, I feel supported, I work in a relaxed atmosphere, every day we have a few laughs and joke as well as working to carry out the projects and, when we finish an important one, we usually go to lunch to celebrate it.
Luckily, I have never suffered any problems at work because I am a woman, but if the day comes I am calm because I know that there are means to treat it.
In 5 years I see myself independent with my pet (I’m sure I’ll add some more), practicing Kenpo and working in Kyrya, in 10 years, honestly I don’t know, I’m not able to visualize myself on a personal or professional level, I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next.
Claudia Boboc

When you’re at the beginning of your professional life, there’s always the fear that being young can affect your dealings with coworkers.
Especially when you have just entered a department where colleagues have been there much longer and, therefore, have more experience.
But I have been lucky that, from the first moment, everyone has welcomed me as one more of the team, which has made my incorporation and my day-to-day life much simpler and more comfortable.
I have never experienced any different treatment because I am a woman and, luckily, none that exceeds the limits of the professional. In any case, here the line with the management of the company is very short, so I think I would feel totally free to communicate it if it happened.
I have started training for the development of multiplatform applications, something that has nothing to do with my current job, and I am very excited that once the training is finished, I will be able to put it into practice here and learn from the great team they have in IT.
Combining work and studies is not as complicated as I had imagined, Kyrya has encouraged me a lot to undertake this training and has been very flexible so that work-life balance is not a problem, I hope to move forward and that this is an advantage for my position. Both in 5 and 10 years I see myself working here contributing my grain of sand, I think I have many options to be able to grow within the organization.
We are proud to have them in our team
After these three interviews, from Kyrya Group we can feel proud because they are just as they have expressed it: women and professionals who fight for their interests and who can say that they see their effort rewarded every day. From here, we can only continue to work so that everything continues in this way and so that there is never a distinction between women and men in any sense. Nowadays, we must all be clear that we are people and from organizations, We must measure our teams by their work. This is the only thing that should generate distinctions .