Now more than ever, forget forever about bacteria and fungi with Durian, the material with which we manufacture our countertops, washbasins, shower trays and many more products, as it is extremely hygienic and 100% antibacterial.
These properties, in addition to the absence of pores on its entire surface, considerably reduce the risk of infections and disease transmission. Durian, in addition to being hygienic by definition, is particularly easy to clean, so its maintenance could not be simpler and more convenient.

Durian offers you even more
Choosing Durian, however, means even more. You will discover an ecological, homogeneous material with no visible joints that we can give any shape to, as it is moldable, and which is also characterized by its resistance to impacts, durability and ease of repair in case of damage.
We could not forget, of course, the pleasant touch and stylized design characteristic of our Durian pieces: their fine, clean and elegant shapes combine perfectly with any Kyrya or Piusone product, to give rise to a definitely unique and personal space.

Visit or contact us through this link to learn more about Durian and the products that make up the brand! We assure you that you will be very surprised by its quality and the possibilities it brings to your projects, taking them even further.
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